Discover San Francisco's de Young Museum | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩

Discover San Francisco's de Young Museum

Looking for a cultural experience in San Francisco? Visit the de Young Museum and be amazed by its stunning art collections. 现在就开始贝博体彩app!

Sitting in the heart of 金门公园, de Young is home to an extensive collection of American art, 还有纺织品, artifacts from around the world. The de Young is also renowned for its special art exhibitions, which feature cutting-edge works from a variety of respected 艺术家s.

One of the most striking features of the de Young is its exterior. The museum's copper-clad design is a stunning work of art in its own right, 还有标志性的, 扭曲的瞭望塔提供了贝博体彩app和周边地区的壮丽景色.

Ranking as one of the most visited museums in the United States, de Young is a must-visit for their world class collection, as well as their fantastic space and location.


de Young最初被称为美术大楼,是1894年在金门公园为加州仲冬国际博览会建造的唯一永久性建筑. The chair of the exposition organizing committee was Michael H. de Young是the 贝博体彩app纪事报 和博物馆同名. 在他的支持下,德扬博物馆于1895年3月23日作为纪念博物馆向公众开放.

The de Young has become one of the most visited museums in America, 收藏美国艺术品, international textile arts and costumes, 非洲艺术, 和大洋艺术.



德扬博物馆收藏了大量的服装和纺织品艺术,涵盖了近3个国家,000 years of history and includes items from 125 different countries. 这些藏品建立了文化之间的联系,丰富了博物馆永久收藏的其他领域. 目前正在查看的是 Fashioning San Francisco: A Century of Style, which includes work from iconic houses and designers such as: Christian Dior, 亚历山大·麦克奎恩, 克里斯托弗·约翰·罗杰斯, Comme des garrons, 和罗达特.

美国艺术,18 -20世纪

德扬美术馆的美国艺术收藏品包括绘画、雕塑和装饰品. These astounding pieces have been created by a range of 艺术家s, including those of Native ancestry, 早期欧洲移民, enslaved Africans and their descendants, as well as immigrants and their succeeding generations. 这些艺术家独特的视角代表了美国经验的多样性, offering a glimpse into the nation's rich cultural heritage. 到026号画廊观看 热带的雨季, by Frederic Edwin Church and 012 to view 两个妇女和孩子 迭戈·里维拉.


德扬博物馆的非洲艺术收藏有近300件罕见而独特的作品, 从11世纪的小雕像到当代非洲雕塑. 不要错过当代艺术家El Anatsui的作品,他用现成的材料创作他的作品. 


德扬博物馆自1895年首次开放以来一直在展示海洋艺术. The collection represents more than 25 islands and island groups, 包括广阔的太平洋三角(从复活节岛到夏威夷和新西兰), as well as Indonesia and the Philippines. Make sure to view the varied case of spiritual figures in gallery 030. 


这个系列展示了来自前西班牙裔中美洲和北美西部的各种各样的土著艺术. 该系列以各种作品为特色,突出了时间和空间相距遥远的个人的艺术成就. Check out both the historical and ancestral pueblo pottery. 从美国的艺术收藏的选择是在德杨画廊1至4观看.


博物馆的这一部分藏品是最新的,包括来自世界各地的各种当代和现代艺术. Go outside to the sculpture garden to see Pierre Huyghe's, 检查(深水) 蹲在蕨类植物丛中. 


除了他们的永久藏品外,德扬博物馆还有特别的展览. You can find the calendar of upcoming exhibitions 在这里. 过去受欢迎的展览包括, 凯欣德·威利:《贝博体彩》,拉美西斯大帝和法老的黄金Frida Kahlo: Appearances Can Be Deceiving.


The de Young museum was originally built in an Egyptian revival style, featuring depictions of the Egyptian cow goddess, 爱神, 在它的外部. 然而,太平洋的咸味空气使这些精美的装饰生锈了. 到20世纪40年代末,它们被拆除了,在接下来的50年里,立面一直保持原样.

In October, Swiss architectural firm Herzog & de Meuron completed the current design of the de Young museum. The designers retained historic elements from the former building, 包括狮身人面像, 原来的棕榈树, 还有魔法池. 设计师注意到周围的景观,并确保建筑与周围环境融为一体.

现在,德扬美术馆的整个外部都覆盖着163118平方英尺的铜板. These plates are expected to oxidize over time and take on a greenish tint, similar to the nearby eucalyptus trees.

Outside the de Young Museum and pond


Planning a visit to the de Young Museum? Here’s everything you need to know about its location, 操作时间, 入学费用, some tips to enhance your experience.


Address: 50 Hagiwara茶园

The de Young Museum is located in 金门公园,对面 加州科学院.


马丁·路德·金大道上的街道停车位数量有限. Drive, Blue Heron Lake Drive, Fulton Street, the nearby avenues.

音乐广场车库设有汽车和自行车收费停车场. 车库位于北侧富尔顿街(Fulton Street)和第十大道(10th Avenue)交汇处, at Concourse Drive near the 加州科学院 from the south.




The following 市政 lines are within walking distance to the de Young.

  • 奥肖内西公共汽车44号
  • 5 + 5R富尔顿巴士
  • 7海特/诺列加巴士 (步行10分钟到博物馆)
  • 19大道28号巴士 (步行10分钟到博物馆)
  • 犹大市地铁 (步行15分钟到博物馆)

Operating Hours and Admission Fees

9:30 a.m. 到下午5:15.m.


成人 (18至64岁)38美元.00  

高级 (65岁及以上)35美元.00  

学生 (凭有效证件)29美元.00  

青年 (6至17岁)$18.00

每个月的第一个星期二,一般免费进入永久收藏. 您还可以获得2美元的折扣购买证明从任何海湾地区的公共交通系统, 包括巴特, 市政, Caltrain, 和更多的. 了解更多 about free and reduced admission 在这里.

The de Young recommends buying your tickets in advance online. 

Image of mannequin next to painting


From the ninth floor of Hamon Tower,re is a break in the copper tiles that cover the building, 它能提供360度一览无遗的太平洋美景, 贝博体彩app市中心, the lush "living roof" of the 加州科学院, located just across the 音乐 Concourse.

哈蒙瞭望塔 需要一张票才能进入

它是开放 星期二至星期日 从早上9点半开始.m. 到下午4:30.m.



威尔西法庭 德扬博物馆商店德·扬·卡弗莱,and the Hamon Observation Tower do not 需要一张票才能进入. 下午4:30.m. the museum offers free admission to its permanent collection. 


If you're looking for a particular piece of artwork you can 搜索 and view the de Young’s and Legion of Honor’s collections online. 按标题搜索, 艺术家, 或者描述性词语, 结果会显示出特定艺术作品的图像和位置, 以及其他关键信息.


The 德·扬·卡弗莱 is open 星期二至星期日, 9:30 a.m. 到下午4:30.m.,如天气允许,可在雕塑花园露台享用室内及户外美食. 咖啡馆的特色是由麦考尔斯餐饮和活动提供的当地供应商的季节性食材. 了解更多 在这里.



当你在德扬博物馆有很多东西可以吸收的时候,博物馆的奇妙位置在 金门公园 truly allows you to maximize your day.

在德扬博物馆对面坐落着世界上最大的自然历史博物馆之一 加州科学院.

Next to the de Young is San Francisco's 日本茶园. Built as a part of the World's Fair in 1849, 这个美丽而宁静的花园是下午散步和喝抹茶的好地方. 

步行10分钟即可到达, 沿着肯尼迪大道, 在北美最古老的公共木玻璃温室探索外来植物 花卉温室.

在MLK大道上,看看 贝博体彩app植物园. This 55-acre space showcases more than 8,000 plants from around the world. 

日本茶园 in 金门公园.


麦迪·普拉特是高级. 设计副学士 & 内容在贝博体彩app旅游. She grew up in nearby Marin County, just a bridge away from the City. After moving to San Francisco in 2020, she knew she'd found her home base. 麦迪喜欢在金门公园散步,吃点心,在贝克海滩看日落.