Visitors enjoy ice cream from the Garden Creamery truck.
Visitors enjoy ice cream from the Garden Creamery truck. 来源:《贝博体彩》

Food Truck Catering Guide

Surprise your event attendees with tacos, 汉堡, 在“漫游饥饿”网站预订时,你可以从贝博体彩app最好的美食车那里获得更多美食.

To guarantee great catering at your next event in San Francisco, a 快餐车 booking and management service like 漫游饥饿 是该走的路吗. 当漫游饥饿为你做艰苦的工作时,你不需要在贝博体彩app的每座山上寻找最好的食品车和街头小吃.

下面是一些他们最信任的合作伙伴的指南,以及雇佣一个小窍门 快餐车 for your party or event.


在加州,墨西哥卷饼卡车餐饮就像玉米饼上的干酪一样自然. With fantastic Mexican food options on most corners, it's easy to find delicious tacos, 墨西哥卷饼, birria or mole for any time of day (or night)!


Enjoy the flavors of the Yucatan with Cochinita的 mix of traditional and modern Mexican dishes. 简单点,比如浅田菜和玉米粉蒸肉,或者用手工制作的玉米薄饼填上腌制的猪肉来调味. 他们做的每样东西都令人愉快、美味,做得尽善尽美.

  • 伟大的为: birthdays, corporate events, large groups.
Enjoy traditional and modern Mexican dishes from Cochinita.
Enjoy traditional and modern Mexican dishes from Cochinita. 来源:《贝博体彩》


California-style 墨西哥卷饼, tacos, and fries...哦,我的! Good old-fashioned rice and beans, 薯条和辣酱, and filled-to-the-brim 墨西哥卷饼 stuffed with rice, 黄瓜, 烤辣椒, 烤玉米和墨西哥酸橙酱就在拐角处 在边境之外. Trust us: your guests will thank you.

  • 伟大的为: weddings, small and large events, corporate gatherings.
Classic Mexican fare served up by 在边境之外
Classic Mexican fare served up by 在边境之外. 来源:《贝博体彩》


For Latin- and family-made dishes, 桥牌游戏厨房 是必去之地. Take a bite out of a crunchy Canastaco, a giant fried-fish-and-cheese-filled sensation, or try some golden-fried taquitos, breakfast 墨西哥卷饼 or nachos. Wash it all down with freshly made cinnamon horchata.

  • 伟大的为: family events, vegans and vegetarians, large groups.


Diverse, dangerously yummy eats are the norm for 圣智利鼹鼠's incredible husband-and-wife team. With everything from barbecue ribs, 辣椒狗, and brisket tacos to croissant melts and Hawaiian spam and eggs, 这辆餐车提供了一系列令人惊叹的食物,一定会激发食欲.

  • 伟大的为: corporate events, family gatherings, large groups.

Find More 墨西哥卡车 in SF


If portable, not-too-fast-food is your preference, then a 汉堡的卡车 is perfect for your event. 松软的面包, 多汁的馅饼, 融化的奶酪和许多浇头保证与这些烧烤鉴赏家.


你很容易就会被美味的安格斯汉堡所吸引 轮子上的搅拌器. 无论你选择鸡肉三明治配晒干的番茄蒜泥蛋黄酱, a vegan chipotle-black-bean burger, 或者是菠萝洋葱加辣椒酱的切达牛肉汉堡, you're sure to be happy with their savory handheld snacks.

  • 伟大的为: custom menus, office parties, small and large groups.


我也很饿 煮出令人垂涎的肉,比如慢炖短肋排, grass-fed beef patties topped with applewood bacon, and Hawaiian chicken breast sliders. 一定要带一份大蒜和帕尔马干酪的小薯条.

  • 伟大的为: on-set catering, corporate events, small and large groups.

Find More Burger Trucks in SF


的 birthplace of the Ghirardelli chocolate company, 贝博体彩app被称为世界巧克力之都之一. It's also a haven for renowned bakers and sweet-makers. 这座多山、充满活力的城市正是举办派对的好地方 甜品车餐饮.


说到当地的食材和独特的口味, 科幻Gelateria's ice cream has you covered. 纯素食者可以点一勺抹茶椰子或鳄梨青柠冰淇淋, 而牛奶爱好者则喜欢蜂蜜薰衣草蓝莓和奶茶味的奶油点心. 不管怎样,这是一个梦幻般的意大利冰淇淋时间,会让你的味蕾发痒.

  • 伟大的为: fancy affairs, vegans and vegetarians, large groups.


的 beautiful, icy sweets-on-sticks created over at 幸福的持久性有机污染物 can put a smile on anybody's face. 纯奶油的选择,如曲奇和奶油或巧克力软糖,都是入口即化的感觉. Dairy-free mint chocolate, 菠萝鳄梨, and coconut berry are ready to fill bellies with fresh, 成熟善良. 没有人会后悔排队享用这个夏日甜点!

  • 伟大的为: office parties, large groups, vegans and vegetarians.

Find More 甜点的卡车 in SF

幸福的持久性有机污染物 make for a delicious dessert.
幸福的持久性有机污染物 make for a delicious dessert. 来源:《贝博体彩》

More SF Food Trucks You'll Love

下面这些奇妙的小贩会把美味的肉类和素食送到你家门口,你可以想象到任何场合. 漫游饥饿有各种各样的美食,你能想到的和无与伦比的选择. 看一眼, 选择你最喜欢的, 让我们把你喜欢的餐车开到你的派对上.


小屋Vegana 餐车咖啡馆以其疯狂的素食美食而闻名——从墨西哥卷饼和素食热狗到菲荷亚面包和康查, 他们非常美味的素食选择的评论总是热情洋溢. 说到以植物为基础的快乐,这个推车让我们欢呼,“哦,天哪!"

  • 伟大的为: on-set catering, family gatherings, vegans and vegetarians.


吃 up and forget your worries with 的墓地's mess-making mouthfuls. Start with barbecue sliders and pork tenderloin sandwiches, 然后再去吃从骨头上掉下来的(进入你的嘴里的)肋排和牛腩玉米片,上面涂上香甜可口的酱汁. 他们的烧烤豆、沙拉和沙拉是你不想错过的配菜.

  • 伟大的为: corporate events, small parties, family gatherings

Tips for Booking A Food Truck Caterer

现在你已经看到了贝博体彩app多样化的食品卡车场景, 这里有一些事情要做,使你的餐车餐饮顺利进行.

  1. 最后确定预算. 餐车的餐饮费用在每位客人10美元到35美元之间, so it's useful to have a budget range, 这取决于你预计参加活动的人数. Here's a helpful pricing breakdown.
  2. 决定数字. We recommend one truck for every 150-200 attendees, 不过你也可以多租几个,让你的与会者有更多的变化.
  3. 选择菜单和菜肴. 流浪饥饿食品卡车提供各种口味和饮食偏好的食物. 有些提供主菜和配菜选择,而另一些则允许你自定义菜单.
  4. Check local regulations. If your event is on public property or at a park, ensure that you have all the essential documents in order, 比如城市许可证. 也, 确保你的餐车有在贝博体彩app经营所需的任何注册和认证.
  5. 选择一个地点. 与你的活动场地联系,确认餐车可以停在你的活动场地. 确保停车位足够大,并在平坦的地面上, with no low-hanging branches or any other obstacles.

Now that you have everything you need to know about 餐车租赁, it's time to start planning. Make your next event a roaring success!

Learn More About Food Trucks in SF

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漫游饥饿 enables businesses to create memorable events—anywhere, anytime. Since 2009, our online Catering & 事件 platform and in-house Experiential Marketing Agency, RMNG,使活动和主持人能够提供令人难以置信的以食物为中心的体验. 超过21岁,500辆餐车, 预告片, 车, and mobile caterers in our network, 漫游饥饿帮助从家庭到财富500强企业的每个人成功完成餐饮活动. 
