照亮SF™灯光艺术之旅上的11件装置 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
Point Cloud


Illuminate SF™ 是一年一度的灯光艺术节照亮了整个贝博体彩app吗, November 24 through January 31.

Christmas trees and holiday decorations aren't the only things that are glowing this holiday season. Illuminate SF™ 是一年一度的灯光艺术节照亮了整个贝博体彩app吗, 感恩节到元旦. While there are more than 60 permanent and temporary light art installations throughout the city, 我们精心挑选了一些,使一个梦幻般的光艺术之旅. 体验这条灯光艺术之路,让你的假期充满光明.

The Wind Baffles

标志性的挡风结构将公园固定在5M处, a new, vibrant community connected to the surrounding fabric of San Francisco’s SOMA District by a cohesive network of public spaces, are the brainchild of !Melk是一家屡获殊荣的城市设计和景观建筑公司. Built to mitigate wind, the baffles or “wind breakers” are artfully illuminated from the outside and complemented with a soft glow that radiates through the perforations in the upper zones. Though made from steel, 与沉重和工业有关的材料, the baffles are often referred to as “flowers” for their stem and leaf-like design elements. Come nightfall, they transform into breathtaking sculptures and suddenly seem to float.

Point Cloud

Point Cloud is housed on the pedestrian bridge connecting the north and south buildings of The Moscone Center. 这个装置是由Leo Villareal创作的,同样的艺术家 The Bay Lights. Point Cloud 跨度100英尺,由858根钢棒和28根,288 LED bulbs that are, like those on the Bay Bridge, 每30秒换一次颜色. 你可以在莫斯康中心的开放时间里走过这座桥, 或者在霍华德街欣赏灯光秀.

Peace in the Middle East

Taravat Talepasand's Peace in the Middle East 在基督教青年会大堂的永久装置. Hung from the ceiling, this intricate neon artwork, 上面用波斯语写着“和平”, explores the cultural taboos that reflect on gender and political authority through Talepasand's lens as an Iranian-American woman.

Love Over Rules

Glowing 6-foot-6-inch letters spell out LOVE OVER RULES on the exterior wall of the Salma Family Building in the heart of the Yerba Buena neighborhood. 坐落在米逊街的小巷里, the light sculpture is the first permanent public artwork in the United States by New York-based artist Hank Willis Thomas. A tribute to the artist’s cousin, murdered in 2000, the blinking white neon installation shares his cousin’s last recorded message to Thomas. Each word gets a line, encouraging different reads: is it “LOVE OVER RULES” or “LOVE OVERRULES?” Thomas, 谁在2004年从加州艺术学院的艺术硕士项目毕业, 与城市和当地文化有很深的联系. 这个大型的光艺术作品是Sites Unseen的第三个公共艺术项目.

Love Over Rules

Day for Night

At the top of the Salesforce Tower, the tallest building west of the Mississippi, you'll find Day for Night这是吉姆·坎贝尔(Jim Campbell)设计的一个巨大而多功能的灯光艺术装置. 塔顶已被11层包裹起来,000 lights and video screens that allow daily scenes of city life to be displayed all night long.

White Light

In the gleaming, sunlit rotunda of the new Salesforce Transit Center, Jenny Holzer's White Light 用智慧的话语激励通勤者和游客. The 182-foot-long LED screen displays the words of more than 40 writers for varying amounts of time. 有些是短暂的,45秒出现. 有些人逗留长达两个小时.

Let's Glow

Let's Glow SF是一个假日投影映射活动,将于12月11日举行. 1 to 10. 激活是由Downtown SF产生的, the community benefit district which serves the Financial District and Jackson Square, in partnership with A3 Visual.

Let 's Glow SF将成为美国最大的假日投影地图活动.S. The nightly journey of light and color will feature the works of local and international artists. Stunning whimsical, abstract, and naturalistic winter-themed images will be projected onto four iconic buildings in San Francisco’s Financial District.

Language of the Birds

Language of the Birds is a permanent site-specific sculpture installed at a pedestrian plaza linking Chinatown and North Beach. 每一件艺术品的悬挂“书”都模仿了一只运动中的鸟, 用不同的翼位所创建的形式的页面和绑定. Passing under the flock, 行人会注意到嵌入在广场地板上的文字和短语, 哪一个似乎是从上面的书页上掉下来的. On closer inspection, the fallen words are in English, Italian and Chinese, 都是从附近丰富的文学史中挑选出来的.

At night, LED lights embedded within the books create visual patterns – at different times one might see the flock subtly pulsing or giving off a spectacular zoetrope effect. It is the first solar power-offset public artwork in California; the artists teamed with scientist David Shearer and Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s City Lights Bookstore to provide solar power to the city’s grid, 抵消艺术品所消耗的能量.


Experience Buckyball by Leo Villareal, a towering 25-foot illuminated sculpture that enlivens the Exploratorium's public space in both daylight and moonlight. 灵感来自未来主义者和发明家巴克明斯特·富勒的测地线圆顶, the spherical soccer ball-like form features two nested geodesic spheres comprised of 4,500个LED节点排列成一系列五边形和六边形. (Scientists discovered the form in a carbon molecule in 1985 and coined it the "Buckminsterfullerence" or "Buckyball,科学家和材料工程师正在热切地研究这个问题。).

Buckyball'S光序列是随机驱动的, 并且可以发出超过1600万种不同的颜色来创造旺盛, 不同速度的随机组合, color, opacity, and scale. 简单的元素驱动着一个移动的全尺寸雕塑装置, interacts, 并最终发展成一个综合体, 动态形式,质疑空间的一般概念, time and sensorial pleasure.

Helical Trace

LUMA Hotel has given the gift of light art to passersby on the corner of Third and Channel streets. 当地艺术英雄吉姆·坎贝尔创造了另一个美丽的, site-specific, dynamic light installation in the hotel's lobby that can be seen through floor-to-ceiling three-story windows. The prolific artist who installed Day For Night atop the Salesforce Tower created this striking installation that looks different from every angle and uses the reflection of the windows to amplify its movement. 里面的人物爬上了一个无限延伸的瀑布, 让坎贝尔从身体的挣扎中创造快乐.

Seeing Spheres

奥拉维尔·埃利亚松在美国最大的公共艺术品.S., Seeing Spheres, consists of five fifteen-and-a-half-feet-tall polished hydroformed steel spheres that stand in a circle around a central space. Each sphere supports a flat, circular mirrored face, framed by a ring of LED lights, which is oriented inward to reflect the mirrored faces of the surrounding spheres. Together, 它们创造了一个令人惊讶的多层环境, 同样的人和场景一次又一次出现的反射空间, 从各种意想不到的角度可见. 像隧道一样嵌套的反射在镜子中打开, 重复无数次,消失在远方.

Situated on Chase Center’s 25,在体育馆东入口前,有一个面积达1000平方英尺的三角形广场, this striking new artwork establishes a prominent public setting in Thrive City for visitors to meet and interact.

Author Brenda Tucker
Brenda Tucker

布伦达·塔克是贝博体彩app旅游艺术营销总监. 自1998年以来,她一直住在贝博体彩app, 她开车穿过乡村来到一户人家,没人见她. 布伦达全年都喜欢户外游泳, 受到伦敦金融城令人难以置信的艺术场景的启发, 住在世界上最好的地方.